Hoppas du har det bättre i himlen avalanna! :( <3  

When Avalanna met Justin, he asked her what her life dream was. She very shyly said “To marry you.”

Justin gave Avalanna a little ring, and he said: “Take this,” as he handed it to her. “We just got engaged! You’re gonna be Mrs. Bieber” They told her she was ‘engaged’ to Justin, and he held her and gave her kisses. Justin loves Avalanna, and she means so much too him. On his ‘All Around The World
: NBC Special’ they recorded Justin talking about Avalanna and he said:

“She means everything to me because she’s just so strong, and she’s uh, sorry I’m getting emotional but I just want everyone of you to just tonight say a little prayer for her.”

RIP Avalanna♥


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